Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hot Potatoes #1

Is Jesus the only way to heaven?
What happens to people who never hear about Jesus?

Main Discussion Points:

We HAVE heard of Jesus.  And personal faith in Him is the only way for US to be saved.

We can trust that what God does what is right with people who never hear of Jesus.

We have no reason to conclude that the person who has never heard of Jesus “will just be OK since God is a loving being.”  The only confidence we can have that they will be saved is for them to hear the gospel message and place their faith in Jesus.

Group Discussion:

You have been asked the question, “Is Jesus the only way to heaven?” How would you answer this? (beyond yes or no)

If a person says, “Your view of God is very intolerant to other religions. Why would God send a devout    Muslim, Hindu, etc. to hell?” How would you respond?
See John 3:16-18

Has God revealed himself to everyone in the world?
               See Psalm 19:1-4, Colossians 1:21-23, Titus 2:11-12, Romans 1:16-21

On Sunday, Mark suggested that there is a way in which God’s judgment of us is tied to how much we know about Him and about His expectations for us. Do you agree or disagree?
               See Romans 2:12-16

Do you believe that God sometimes just “shows up” in our dreams (or otherwise) and reveals himself and a way of salvation for people who have never heard about Jesus?
See Acts 10:1-7: Cornelius had never before heard of Jesus. Did he already have a relationship with God?

What is necessary for a person to have a relationship with God and to go to heaven?
               See 1 Cor. 15:1-4: What is the “gospel”?

Read Romans 10:14-15. Does this passage have an impact in terms of how you view those who are lost?

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