Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hot Potatoes #4

Hot Potatoes #4: Is Hell Real?

The 5 Views of “what happens when you die” are:
·        Naturalism – “we don’t have a soul”
·        Universalism – “we are all going to heaven” “all religions lead to God”
·        Reincarnation – “there are multiple successions of living”
·        Annihilationists – “everyone dies (eventually)”
·        Purgatory – “as a believer, we’ll go to a holding place”

How does the Bible describe hell:
2 Thess. 1:9 – Separated from God
Matthew 25:30 – Outer Darkness, Weeping and Gnashing
Matthew 25:41 – Eternal Fire, Satan and Demons there
Luke 16:22-24 – Torment and Anguish

Having read these verses, how does that make you feel about the reality of hell? How does it make you feel to know that real people go there?

How does knowing about hell change the way you think about your friends and family? What about reaching the lost?

How would you answer the following objections to a belief in a literal place of punishment?
·        A loving God would not send billions of people to a horrible hell.
·        A loving God would be more tolerant.
·        Eternal judgment in hell is an unjust punishment for people who sin.

Our response to the message on hell:
·        Rejoice that because of Christ, we don’t have to go there.
·        Realize that the things we do to get out the Good News are the more important things we do in this life.

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